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The Busty Wolter Column
written by Sebastian Wolter


what should I say. I can hardly remember when my last news where floating around. But this doesn‘t mean that nothing has happened. The opposite is the case: a pretty busy summer and (too ?) many bligations. And riding always comes first. So here is a quick summary of the past 3 months...

In the end of July I was a reserve rider at the Red Bull X-Fighters tourfinal in Madrid. Unfortunately Charly Pages crashed hard in practice and I got the lucky spot (sorry, Alve! Next time it‘s yours!) I did some
small mistakes in my run, but still rode good and was just happy to get the chance again to ride in this amazing arena.

In August I tried to race a bit, but was not too lucky resultwise. Anyway, it is always great fun to do some racing every now and then (at least for the first 15 minutes... after that I realise that my racing fitness is
not that imressive...HAHA). I also jumped at show for SUZUKI at the german World Rally Championship- stopp in Trier. I also participated in a roadtrip with the Sessions-Snowteam. You can find a big story about it, including some impressive Party-pics of my twinbrother Maxi Wolter and Kate Mosh, in germanies new FMX-only magazine WHIP.

To expand the UPFORCE-activities next year I bought a mobile landing. We will modify it during the wintertime, so it sets up quick and easy, to come up with more UPFORCE FMX SHOWS. So if you are interested in a cool show, we will be ready in January 2008! In the end of August I went to Martin Korens Horsefeathers FMX jam, which is at the same level as Fredd Johanssons Sweetspotjam. It was a great time with lots of fun. Rider jams are the thing of the future!

Again there is a big story about the jam in WHIP magazine. September started with the final round of german FMX championship in my park in Schenkenhorst. But I was not too happy with the politics some people from the federations try to bring into FMX and boykotted my final run by showing how I see FMX: I rode trains with the whole Upforce crew instead of going for results. As penalty the IFMXF let me out of all their press releases... I can just laugh about it! Next year Atze FMX jam will be back and the DMSB and IFMXF can find another location for their amateur tour...

September was easygoing: I did a week of Enduro-riding in Italy with my old friends the Zitzewitz brothers and Lars Wuerdemann and some more guys, which was really fun. I also tested the RM-Z 250 over
ramps, but decided to get back on the twostroke. But on you can watch a video of my Thumper FMX days. I also rode Stefan Bengs‘ jam and a show for Ortema.
In the beginning of October the UPFORCE did the FMX-Show at the WHIP Mag release party. After that I started to practice hard for the upcoming weeks, which are full with contests, shows and filming
until X-Mas.

My next event will be the IFMXF worldchampionship in Riga, followed by the event in Mannheim.

Ride on!


Next Events:

27./28.10.2007 IFMXF Worldchampionships Riga
17.11.2007 IFMXF Worldchampionship Mannheim


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