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10 questions with Jey „the rookie“ Rouanet

interview by Tobias Hannig | pix are courtesy of Jey

Keep on supporting some underground people and upcoming stars. We are continuing our important mission and talked with the french rider Jey Rouanet about his adventures and satisfaction regarding 2 wheelers ...

Hello Jey, tell the guys out there something about
your place of birth and your current residence?

I was born in Narbonne 19 years ago. Currently I’m living in Minerve. That is 30 km away from Narbonne. My riding spot is in the backyard of my house. So I can give me the pleasure whenever I want.

When did you start riding 2 wheelers?
I have started with dirtbike riding in the age of 6 on a Yamaha PW 80. After meeting Xavier Fabre I was so stoked that I started riding FMX.

Really nice extended Double Grab

How did you catch fire with FMX action?
The flicks like Crusty, Terrafirma infected me with the FMX virus. The crazy tricks of Deegan, Metzger and Pastrana inspired me to go big and try this stuff.

So you are really deep in fire with this breathtaking sport?
The most of my freetime I am riding FMX. But I also help my mother in the vines getting a great french vine and I’m also studying.

Deadbody and CracNac

FMX is getting more and more specific. Nowadays the guys are building wallrides and stuff like that. Do you think that there a combination between the lifestyle of snowboarding and FMX?
Oh yes. Almost every kind of extremesport has the spirit „freestyle“. We all do the sport with pleasure and pushing new limits. But in FMX you really pay for an error during a trick ...

What about the trick progression – is it important for you to ride with your buddies?
It is really significant to ride with other guys to progress more quickly. You can push each other getting better and better.

Do you have any goals for the future?
Just fixing the backflip in all kind of variations and developing some new tricks.


Your favorite location to ride?
Our training compound MINERVE / France (team RAMP).

Tell me something about your backflip experience ...
How did you learn it?

I have learned the backflip into a foam pit. Ludo GUILLOU and myself were doing them easily into the foam pit. 2 months later I did me first flip on dirt and it worked.

Nine o'clock

Do you wanna say something to the guys out there?
Have pleasure riding bikes and take care of you.

Thanx Jey for the interview and rock n’ roll!

Have a look on to get more information about Jey.

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